Shepherd’s Notes
November 2, 2014
All Soul’s Day + Reflection
Death of a loved one, or one’s fear of death, can bring a darkness in life. God has given us his Son, so that uniting ourselves to him in prayer and through the sacraments, we will be filled with all the graces we need to live life with fullness of hope. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. Amen + May they rest in peace. Amen + May all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace Amen +
Upcoming Events of Interest
Pastoral Council Meeting ~ November 4 @ 6:30 PM
St. Cecilia Sing ~ November 9 @ 2 PM
Parish Auction Dinner Dance ~ November 15 @ 5:15 PM
Thanksgiving Eve Mass ~ November 26 @ 6:45 PM
First Sunday of Advent ~ November 30
Breakfast with Saint Nick ~ December 7 after Sunday morning Masses
Advent Penance Service ~ December 14 @ 2 PM (St. Boniface)
Advent Penance Service ~ December 18 @ 7 PM (St. Cecilia)
Christmas Eve Masses ~ 4:15 PM and 10:15 PM
Christmas Morning Mass ~ 8:15 AM
Sunday Spanish Mass ~ Every Sunday at 12:15 PM, members of our parish celebrate the Mass in Spanish. The Sunday Mass is celebrated in the Chapel. I am grateful to the Spanish Ministry leadership for their efforts; especially Marcelo Nieto. Grateful too, to Fr. Harold Fischer and Fr. Steve Arisman for their willingness to preside at the weekly celebration.
RCIA/ RCIC ~ The Inquiry Sessions for RCIA/RCIC are held on Monday evenings @ 6:30 PM in the Acorn Room of the Lower Level. Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should plan on attending. Questions and Registration? Please contact the Parish Office.
Steeple People and Tower Teens Refreshments ~ Steeple People and Tower Teens are requesting donations of liters of pop/soda and snacks (chips, treats, etc.) for their Sunday evening gatherings. If you would like to help feed the hungry teens, please drop off items in the Main Lobby in the shopping cart. You’re kindness is greatly appreciated!
Pastoral Council Meeting ~ The Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, November 4 @ 6:30 PM in the Parish Office Conference Room.
Steeple People Gatherings ~ Steeple People meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month in the Acorn Room. The next gathering for Steeple People will be held on November 9 @ 6:30 PM in the Acorn Room.
Catholic and Cornered
Answers to Common Questions about our faith
Do Catholics believe the Bible is the Word of God?
The answer: The Bible is the Word of God, given for our instruction.
Like our Protestant sisters and brothers, Catholics believe that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh (John 1) and that his presence on earth continues through the Body of Christ— his Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-28) For this reason, it is not hard for Catholics to accept that the books of the Bible were collected during the first centuries of Christianity and came into existence through the life of the Church. Today’s Bible came together in the fourth and fifth centuries as a definitive collection of sacred texts through the considered opinions of the Church councils. It did not come to us whole from heaven, but through human history and through authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we don’t separate our reverence of Scripture from our conviction that the Holy Spirit has guided the Church through the centuries. We call this inseparable dimension of God’s guiding presence. (Kenneth L Parker)
Catholic and Cornered
Answers to Common Questions about our faith
Do Catholics believe the Bible is the Word of God?
The answer: The Bible is the Word of God, given for our instruction.
Like our Protestant sisters and brothers, Catholics believe that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh (John 1) and that his presence on earth continues through the Body of Christ— his Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-28) For this reason, it is not hard for Catholics to accept that the books of the Bible were collected during the first centuries of Christianity and came into existence through the life of the Church. Today’s Bible came together in the fourth and fifth centuries as a definitive collection of sacred texts through the considered opinions of the Church councils. It did not come to us whole from heaven, but through human history and through authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we don’t separate our reverence of Scripture from our conviction that the Holy Spirit has guided the Church through the centuries. We call this inseparable dimension of God’s guiding presence. (Kenneth L Parker)
Peace To All Who |